My suggestion: implement a reverse captcha. There is no additional overhead for 
users, and friends of mine who have implemented it have found that it foils the 
spammers, at least for now, with very little work.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Beckett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 12:15 PM
> To: vim
> Subject: Re: Tips which are spam
> Andy Wokula wrote:
> > Currently there is much spam in recent comments:
> >
> Last time this was discussed I got the impression that there is a
> feeling that if no one reads the spam, then it is not a problem.
> But I think the situation is worse than that. The spammers don't
> care if anyone reads the tips. They want the optimisation to their
> search ranking in Google et al from having links to their site.
> Helping these leaches is no longer acceptable IMHO.
> Lots of places on the Internet have had to implement a simple
> logon or at least a captcha - anonymous posting can't be allowed.
> John

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