> is it possible in a vimrc for comma separated
> option strings like this one below to break:
> set
> dictionary=$VIM\SQLDict\BPMS_Stamm.txt,$VIM\SQLDict\BPMS_Mandant.txt,$VIM\SQL
> Dict\CBS_2005.txt,$VIM\SQLDict\ICCS_Net_Strommixer.txt,$VIM\SQLDict\DBS.txt,$
> VIM\SQLDict\cbsbestenergy.txt,$VIM\SQLDict\iccs_2005.txt... many other
> files..

The first idea off the top of my head:

let s="$VIM\\SQLDict\\BPMS_Stamm.txt,"
let s=s."$VIM\\SQLDict\\BPMS_Mandant.txt,"
let s=s."$VIM\\SQLDict\\CBS_2005.txt,"
let &dictionary=s

Note that I escaped the back-slashes as that might be important
in preventing odd problems.  You might even need to double those
so that the final option gets set to something escaped.  IIRC,
Vim is smart enough to swap them on the fly, allowing things like

let s="$VIM/SQLDict/BPMS_Stamm.txt,"
let s=s."$VIM/SQLDict/BPMS_Mandant.txt,"
let s=s."$VIM/SQLDict/CBS_2005.txt,"

even on Win32, which is less ambiguous and less prone to problems.



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