Quoting Bill McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello Vim List,
> I just tried out surround.vim, recently updated on Vim
> Online.  Nice plugin!
> It works fine when placed in my plugin directory but doesn't
> work if moved to my AsNeeded directory and :MkAsNeeded is
> run.
> Has anyone out there been able to get this to work?

I just tried surround.vim with v15g of AsNeeded (available from my website,
http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/index.html#ASNEEDED).  No problems

I think I should point out that AsNeeded provides transparent support for plugin
loading for commands and functions -- ie. issue a command, and if the
associated plugin hasn't been loaded yet, it will be, and the command is then
executed or the function executed.

However, the surround.vim plugin is largely providing maps.  AsNeeded supports
maps; but not transparently.  For surround.vim, for example:

  :AN cs

will load the surround.vim plugin and make the cs map available.  The reason
why AsNeeded doesn't support transparent map use: consider what would happen
if there are several plugins with maps:  \a  \ab \abc .  If AsNeeded set up
special maps for these, then the infamous
pause-while-waiting-to-see-if-you're-going-to-type-more would appear.  Given
those three maps, assume you wanted \ab in plugin ab.vim.  There'd be a delay
after you typed \ab (because AsNeeded would have had to set up a map for \abc,
and so vim would be waiting a bit to see if you were about to continue to type
that "c".  You'd continue to get those pauses every time you wanted to use the
\ab map, too.

Chip Campbell

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