On Sat, 24 Feb 2007 19:31:23 +0100
"A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2) The name of the "comment" syntax group is different for each
> language. For instance, it may be vimComment, cComment, htmlComment,
> cssComment, etc., depending on what kind of file you're editing. (The
> corresponding _highlight_ groups are all linked to Comment by
> default, but that can be changed, and IIUC it only applies after all
> _syntax_ groups have been determined, so I guess you need to use the
> correct syntax group name).

Ah, OK.  I didn't realize this.

> 3) Taking point 2 into account, I guess the right place for your
> command is in an after-syntax-script; for instance for vimscript:
> --- start ~/.vim/after/syntax/vim.vim
> syn keyword Todo containedin=vimComment contained WARNING NOTE
> --- end

This works, but then I have to do it for each file type, which is what
I was trying to avoid.

> For a more ambitious solution (untested)
> autocmd Syntax * syn keyword Todo containedin=<amatch>Comment
>                  \ contained WARNING NOTE
> The above may have to be defined late in your vimrc.

When I tried this, I got E15: invalid expression <amatch>.

No worries, though, because I figured it out.  The trick is to use a
pattern to match the containedin parameter so that it works for all
comment syntax specifications -- vimComment, javaComment, whatever.
The pattern is expanded whenever the syntax command gets executed, so
it needs to be in an autocmd to apply to newly-registered syntaxes.

:autocmd Syntax * syntax keyword myTodo
 \ containedin=.*Comment contained WARNING NOTE

Rather than using the Todo group (which works) I put it into myTodo
instead, then linked that to Todo.

> Best regards,
> Tony.

Thanks for the clarification.  I was almost pining for Emacs Lisp
macros there for a second, but Vim came through (as usual).  :)

Taylor Venable

"Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability."       -- Edsger Dijkstra

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