Hello Yongwei,

try FencView.vim

Saturday, February 24, 2007, 11:31:40 PM, you wrote:

>?The Vim option 'fileencodings' has some limitations: e.g., it cannot
>?autodetect GBK and Big5 files at the same time. That was my first
>?motivation to develop a solution for it. It has two parts: a generic
>?C++ program to decide the encoding of a file, and a Vim plugin to use
>?this program.

>?The program tellenc tells the encoding a file according to the following:

>?- Presence of any BOM character: The Unicode encoding of the BOM
>?- Absence of non-ASCII characters: ascii
>?- UTF-8 decodable: utf-8
>?- Uneven distribution of NULs in odd and even positions of the file: 
>?- Strange characters and not a Unicode encoding decided above: binary
>?- Most high character followed by a low character: latin1
>?- Frequency analysis of DBCS characters: gbk (gb2312) and big5
>?- Otherwise: unknown

>?I believe the frequency analysis can be applied at least to Japanese
>?and Korean, but I do not know the languages and have no data. If you
>?are Japanese or Korean, you may want to use "tellenc -v" on your text
>?files and come up with some useful data to put into the program.
>?Patches are welcome, though I admit it is not well commented or
>?documented now: given enough interest, I will refactor and enhance the
>?program as need be.

>?This script MultiEnc.vim does these things to decide the encoding of a file:

>?- If a file has a modeline fileencoding=..., it will be used as the
>?encoding to open the file.
>?- If a file is an HTML file, and it has the encoding specified with a
>?HTTP-EQUIV meta tag, it will be used as the encoding to open the file.
>?The file pattern of HTML files can be customized by the global
>?variable multienc_html_patterns.
>?- If a file cannot be decided by the steps above, tellenc may be used
>?to decide its encoding. This includes HTML files without a suitable
>?HTTP-EQUIV meta tag, and additional files can be detected with the
>?global variable multienc_auto_patterns.
>?- A file can be manually autodetected with the command
>?EditAutoEncoding (without a file name for the current buffer, or with
>?a file name to edit a new file).
>?- The autodetection may be overridden with the command
>?EditManualEncoding ("e ++enc=" may not work in some cases now).

>?The program used to tell the encoding of a file is "tellenc" by
>?default. It can also be changed with the environment variable
>?MULTIENC_TELLENC. A simplistic _vimrc (for Windows) may be like:

>?" Legacy encoding is the system default encoding
>?let g:legacy_encoding=&encoding

>?source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
>?source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim

>?if has('gui_running')
>?  set encoding=utf-8
>?  if &termencoding != '' && &termencoding != &encoding
>?    let &encoding=&termencoding
>?    let &fileencodings='ucs-bom,utf-8,' . &encoding
>?  endif

>?" Set default file encoding(s) to the legacy encoding
>?exec 'set fileencoding=' . g:legacy_encoding
>?let &fileencodings=substitute
>?        \(&fileencodings, '\<default\>', g:legacy_encoding, '')

>?" File patterns of files for automatic encoding detection
>?let multienc_auto_patterns='*.txt,*.tex'
>?let multienc_html_patterns='*.htm{l\=},*.asp'

>?It is currently only tested on Windows. While I believe it should work
>?on other platforms as well, there might be things I missed. Patches
>?and bug reports are welcome.

>?MultiEnc.vim is available at:
>?  http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1806

>?Tellenc is available at:
>?  http://wyw.dcweb.cn/download.asp?path=&file=tellenc.zip

>?Thank Tony and Benji for encouraging me to make it into a separate script.

>?A question for Bram: Any way to extend Vim with DLLs? Starting an
>?external program with system(...) is sometimes slow on Windows, and
>?there will be a flashing command window, which is visible in some
>?cases, esp. on slower machines.

>?Best regards,


Best regards,
 mbbill                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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