On 2/26/07, Peter Michaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Yes, it has basically everything.

Does vim have the concept of a project of files? I like the project
drawer to the left of the editing window which shows the files and
directory structure on my hard drive.

c.f. taglist.vim (see below)

If vim does have the concept of a project can I do a project wide
search or search and replace in my project? I find this essential for
refactoring and cleaning up code when I realize what I should have
called a variable.

c.f. tags functionality

Are there good syntax highlighters for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C, Lisp?

Oh, yes. In fact, my version of Vim has 480 syntax files.

I see there are indentation packages for C and Lisp, what about HTML,
and JavaScript?


If I have multiple files open with different languages
does vim know which file goes with which language by the filename
extension and use the appropriate indentation and highlighting?

Yes, and you can use :set filetype=something just in case, and embed
the statement in a modeline for future use.

Are there code completion bundles available for HTML, CSS and JavaScript?

c.f. the scripts section on the vim website.

Sorry for all the question. Diving into vim is a bit bewildering as it
doesn't come as complete (as far as I know) as Textmate or other GUI
editors seem to.

Just type :help in Ex mode, and/or buy the book. Vim documentation is
very comprehensive.


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