<span class="good">
and half not <span class=bad> I'm trying to write a regex to add quotes around the ones without. I can
do this in perl, but not in vim, and I'd like to know what I'm doing
wrong because I've run across this problem before.
This was my attempt: :%s/=\([^"]\+\)\{-}\([ >]\)/="\1"\2/g My reasoning: =\([^"]\+\) find and save stuff after an = that does not
have a "
\{-}                    I've never used this before, just found it
online, at first it seemed to do what I want it to do, make the \+
evaluation lazy
Any advice would be appreciated. Perhaps I'm not using \{-} correctly?

You've diagnosed where the problem lies...it's in the interaction between your greedy


and your non-greedy


Greedy wins. :) The latter is an operator like the "\+", so you likely want to convert your top bit to something like


or possibly


(which is "one or more, but as few as possible"...the embodiment of your "I want to make \+ non-greedy" aim)

You can read up on the nuances of "\{-}" at

        :help /\{

If I had to take a crack at it, I'd exploit the greediness rather than shirk it, and do something like

        :%s/=\([^" \t>]\+\)/="\1"/g

You might even be able to do something like


depending on your attributes (what is considered a "word" character for an HTML attribute would need to take into consideration the "-" and the "." at a minimum, but these can easily be added to the 'iskeyword' setting with ":set iskeyword+=." and ":set iskeyword+=-")

The whole thing goes hooey if you have such matches outside tags, which you might then want to modify your regexp to be something like

        :%s/\(<[^=>]*\)=\([^" \t>]\+\)/\1="\2"/g

which should help to ensure some "inside-a-tag"ness context. However, it only tidies one attribute for each tag, so you might have to run it multiple times in the event you have multiple bad attributes for a given tag like

        <img src=foo.jpg class=myclass>

Just a few ideas that might help.  YMMV :)


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