Zarko Coklin wrote:
Is it possible to have a setup in .vimrc so that every
time I select tag either through "CTRL-]" or by
holding CTRL and pressing left mouse click to open a
new buffer in a new tab?

Zarko Coklin

        :map <C-]>          :exe "tab stag" expand("<cword>")<CR>
        :map <C-LeftMouse>  :exe "tab stag" expand("<cword>")<CR>

        :help :tab
        :help :stag
        :help <cword>

        :tab wincmd ]<CR>
ought to work but doesn't.

Best regards,
There once was an old man from Esser,
Who's knowledge grew lesser and lesser.
        It at last grew so small,
        He knew nothing at all,
And now he's a College Professor.

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