Mr. Shawn H. Corey wrote:
> François Ingelrest wrote:
> >Because it's managed by the window manager, not by the app itself. You
> >may be able to set the size to what your screen is able to display,
> >but I don't think you'll be able to "really" maximize the window.
> Yes, but I thought there is a command in the window manager API that 
> allowed an application to make a request to maximize the window.

You may have a look at devilspie [1] & [2]. It`s a small app which
enables you to control the behavior of any application when it`s started
like resizing, pinning, skipping the pager, moving to another workspace
etc..  Also it doesn`t depend on a certain window manager (I`ve used
with GNOME and XFCE).

[2] (official hp)


Michael Klier

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