On 16-Mar-2007 23:13, John Wiersba wrote:
Thanks for your reply.  You're right -- disabling the CASE_INSENSITIVE_FILENAME 
compile-time option changes this behavior.  However, I disagree that case 
insensitivity is the correct behavior.  Cygwin is perfectly capable of 
supporting case-sensitive globbing behavior and unix tools, by default, do just 
that when run under cygwin.  For example, bash is, by default, case-sensitive 
under cygwin.  So, I submitted a bug report.
Well, one man's bug is another man's feature...
The case-preserving behaviour was changed for Cygwin in response to specific bug reports (<http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=vim-dev&m=113241809109203&w=2>), so it'd better not be changed back...

– Michael

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