
On Sat, 2007-03-24 at 20:09 -0700, Some user wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to bind Ctrl-Backspace in insert mode to deleting the word before it
> just like Wordpad or Visual Studio (it actually gobbles up whitespace and
> deletes the word before the whitespace and places cursor at location where
> the first letter of the deleted word was).
> I tried something like:
> :map! <C-BS> <Esc>dbi

:inoremap <C-BS> <C-W>
might be what you're after, though just as easy to type <C-W>
ie control, shift w

> Except this doesn't work properly. :( Anyone has ideas on how to map it to
> *exactly* the behavior in Windows' Visual Studio or Crimson Editor or
> Wordpad? It would help me migrate from Visual Studio's editor to Vim. :D
> Thanks,



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