
Man, you're a genius! Your script solved the problem. I ran it and now
every program (including gvim, of course) recognizes Pragmata as being

Thank you very much.


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To: 'Vim mailing list' <>
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2007 13:55:46 +0200
Subject: Re: Monospaced font problem
Pablo Arantes wrote:
I contacted the author of Pragmata to share my concerns but he
couldn't help me much in this respect. I explained him the problem but
I'm not sure he understood it.

I emailed him too.  We share our first language, so maybe he will
understand me better.

I wonder if there is a feasible way to change this specification myself.

I had a look at the TTF file format[1] and it's quite easy.  I have
attached a small Python script that will query, set or clear the
monospaced flag on a TTF file.  Run it with no arguments to get help.

Remember to operate on a copy of the font file and to install/uninstall
the font through Windows's Control Panel.  That is: make a copy of the
font file; set the flag on it; uninstall the currently installed font;
install the modified version; profit.



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