wangxu wrote:
Why don't I have the syntax highlighting when editing files like *.sh
After commands like "syntax on",still nothing happened.
below is my /etc/vim/vimrc,what else should I do to turn the syntax
highlighting on?

The ":scriptnames" command will list all scripts that have been sourced so far in the current Vim session. They are listed in the order of first sourcing. When editing your vimrc, the list should include:
- the vimrc near the top;
- $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/vim.vim somewhere lower down. The $VIMRUNTIME variable will be resolved; on your system, I expect its value to be /usr/share/vim/vim70

/etc/vim/vimrc is a strange location for a system vimrc. If the above shows that is wasn't sourced, try putting it at /usr/share/vim/vimrc -- if you don't want to move the Debian vimrc you can use a soft link:

        cd /usr/share/vim
        ln -vs /etc/vim/vimrc

Oh, and next time you post a ":version" listing on the list, please first do ":language messages C" (on Unix). I know just enough Chinese to understand that 大 on the fourth line means "big", so I can guess that that fourth line probably means "Big version with GTK2 GUI. Features included (+) or not (-):" but the average subscriber to this list cannot even be assumed to know any Chinese at all.

Best regards,
"All flesh is grass"
                -- Isaiah
Smoke a friend today.

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