On 4/4/07, ben lieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yakov Lerner wrote:
> On 4/4/07, ben lieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The following map is used to do add span tags to highlighted text
>> in-line. My problem is that it only works sometimes, and I don't know
>> why.
>> :map ,bb c<CR><CR><ESC>kpI<span><ESC>A</span><ESC>kJJ
>> The map works by cutting the highlighted text, putting it on its own
>> line, adding the tag to the front and the end of the line, and then
>> joining the lines.
>> Any thoughts on why this only works sometimes? I can't isolate what
>> conditions bring it about.
> Can be several things.
> 1. To cancel possible influence of keyboard timeouts, map
> the same rhs to the single-key combination -- like <F10>.
> When ,bb dopesn't work, try <f10>. If <f10> works, it's related to
> timeouts.
> 2. Change to vnoremap instead of map. This cancels possibble
> effects or remapping of some chars in the rhs. I think you want to use
> it in the visual mode, right ? Then use vnoremap.
> 3. When it doesn';t work, what exactly happens ? Is it totally ignored,
> or works half-way ?
> 4. When it doesn't work, do ':map ,bb' to check whether it's still
> defined and is rhs correct.
> Yakov
When it doesn't work it, it re-highlights the first half of the
sentence, and then does nothing.

When it doesn't work, what does ':map ,,b' display ?


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