I'm experiencing a problem when folding visual blocks - if I
have a section folded directly above another section that I
want to fold, they end up merging once I fold the second
section, sometimes they even add unfolded text to the fold -
am I doing something wrong?

It sounds like your folds are trying to overlap, which Vim doesn't allow (in fact, every editor with folding that I've used prohibits folding disjoint-but-overlapping sections).

To see what's already folded, you can use

        :set foldcolumn=4

to put some markers in the left-margin (bumping it up from the default of 0 in case you want/need to reset it). If your new fold boundaries cross into an existing fold, Vim tries to do the "sensible" thing and treat the entire folded section as a single line and extends your fold to take the whole sub-fold into consideration.

The visual indicator of the fold-column can help you prevent overlapping sections, which in turn, should help you avoid the behavior you see.


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