You could use a Search/Replace on the full text. This does end up modifying your base text, so be sure to only use it on modifiable buffers.
For example:
- all lines containing the char : followed with zero or more then one space(s) and then in
should become:  <untouched what is here>: in(<untouched what is here>
 aaa : in std_logic;
 bb : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
:%s/: \+in/: in/g

or, if you want to overwrite all whitespace (spaces, tabs, other unprintable characters), use:

:%s/:\s\+in/: in/g


This works for all lines containing one or more spaces.
Why doesn't it work for lines which have no space between : and in?
So when it's    aaa :in std_logic;

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