I have the following VB code:

    Dim Vim As Object
    Set Vim = CreateObject("Vim.Application")
    Vim.SendKeys "<ESC>:e "

I want to do the samething in C# (of which my skills are quite weak).  I
have the following:
        object Vim;
        Vim =
        Vim.SendKeys("<ESC>:e ");

Most of that was grabbed from Google.

Compiler error:
Error   3       'object' does not contain a definition for 'SendKeys'   ...

I am assuming I must strongly type the object, so I tried:
        Vim.Application Vim;

Error   3       The type or namespace name 'Vim' could not be found (are you
missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)    ...

Any suggestions?

Once I get this working I will get it added under this section in the Vim
:h ole-activation


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