fREW wrote:
On 4/13/07, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Andre Majorel wrote:
> Are there any plans to make the highlight-the-matching-thing
> "feature" disabled by default in a future release of Vim ?

AFAIK, there isn't; for one thing, it would break all the vimrc's which rely
on its being set by default (and therefore don't force-set it).

As your Subject line shows, you know how to remove that feature.

Best regards,
Sorry.  I forget what I was going to say.

Personally I like this feature, but I do get lost every now and then
and forget which one is my cursor.  Is there any way that I can say,
make the cursor have a red background and make the matched paren (or
whatever) have a blue background?  And is there a way to do this that
won't break if the background is already red/blue?


In gvim, with no colourscheme, the matched parens are light cyan and the cursor is black. In addition, with the settings I use, the cursor is blinking. No risk of confusion.

In console Vim, you may or may not make the cursor blink (see ":help cursor-blinking" and/or ":help xterm-blink") but you can change the colours, for instance:

        :hi MatchParen ctermbg=darkcyan ctermfg=white
        :hi Cursor cterm=NONE,reverse
        :if exists("+guicursor")
        :       set guicursor+=a:blinkwait500-blinkon500-blinkoff500

Best regards,
You can only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

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