Recently gvim has had the annoying habit of inserting messages in the text of the document being edited, such as

:confirm wqa

Sometimes they are longer.

I don't see anything glaringly obvious in your supplied vimrc files that would trigger such behavior. However, there's a possiblity that some plugin/filetype file is causing the problem. The answers to a few questions might help narrow down where the problem originates:

-does this happen in one particular type of file but not in others (such as in *.tex or *.xyz but not in others)

-does it only happen in one mode? (only in insert-mode? only in normal-mode? only in visual-mode?)

-are there any keys you're hitting immediately before this happens (perhaps an errant mapping or triggering a menu option?)

-larger sample-sets of the resulting inserted text might help narrow it down to a problematic plugin too

-when it *does* happen, some post-mortem knowledge of the output from the following would be helpful:

        :autocmd CursorHold
        :autocmd CursorHoldI
        :autocmd CursorMoved
        :autocmd CursorMovedI

(there might be other "autocmd" sections of interest, but those are the likely culprits)

Hope this helps,


let cobol_legacy_code = 1

Sorry 'bout that...I don't put Cobol on my resume, even though I did some maint projects a number of years ago...unpleasant memories :)

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