Zhaojun WU wrote:

Just found that after I updated the manpageview.vim plugin


to the latest one, pressing "K" in some codes like "printf("foo")",
when the cursor  is under the word "printf", will show  me an error
message like:

***warning*** sorry, no manpage exist for <printf(>.

I browsed the change log of this plugin, the author, Dr. Chip, shifted
back to use "<cWORD>" instead of "<cword>" to extract current WORD
under cursor. So that, the "printf(", not the expected "printf", will
be extracted out and will get NO match at all.

Instead of modifying iskeyword to pick up a few more characters with <cword>,
manpageview now uses <cWORD> and a substitute:

 let topic= substitute(a:1,'[^-a-zA-Z().0-9_].*$','','')

However, I think that the trailing '' should be 'g' instead... so I'll fix that.
Chip Campbell

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