Occasionally when I press ALT+W,X

I get some errors in the command line

E316: ml_get: cannot find line 1
Press ENTER or type command to continue
E316: ml_get: cannot find line 9
E316: ml_get: cannot find line 1
Press ENTER or type command to continue
E316: ml_get: cannot find line 1
Press ENTER or type command to continue
E316: ml_get: cannot find line 1
Press ENTER or type command to continue

And the file window does not open successfully.

I have to close the resulting window and the window from which I called it. Where is the corruption happening? What can I do to sanitize it? Is there a not somewhere about this?

There used to be a problem with ml_get errors, so make sure you're up-to-date...

vim has patches 1-224

netrwFileHandlers  v9
netrwSettings v9
netrw v108 (v109a at my website)

And now for notes on how to update:

To get an up-to-date version of netrw, you'll also need to get an up-to-date version of vimball. So:

1) Get up-to-date versions of vimball and netrw:

 -or-   http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/index.html#VimBall
 (the mysite.verizon.net one will be the more recent version)

 -or-   http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/index.html#NETRW

2) Remove the old vimball plugin and install the new one:

       cd /usr/local/share/vim/vim70
       /bin/rm plugin/vimball*.vim autoload/vimball*.vim doc/pi_vimball.txt
       mv (wherever it was downloaded)/vimball.tar.gz .
       gunzip vimball.tar.gz
       tar -xvf vimball.tar

Under Windows, check your runtimepath to determine where your vim 7.0's runtime directories are:

       :echo &rtp

The first directory is likely your personal plugins directory, the second one is your vim system directory.

       cd (to your vim system directory)
       del plugin\vimballPlugin.vim
       del autoload\vimball.vim
       del doc\pi_vimball.txt
       ren (wherever)\vimball.tar.gz vimball.tar.gz
       gunzip vimball.tar.gz
       tar -xvf vimball.tar

3) Remove system version of netrw:
       cd /usr/local/share/vim/vim70
/bin/rm plugin/netrw*.vim autoload/netrw*.vim doc/pi_netrw.txt syntax/netrw*.vim Windows:
       cd (to your vim system directory)
       del plugin\netrwPlugin.vim
       del autoload\netrw.vim
       del doc\pi_netrw.txt
       del syntax\netrw.vim

4) Install an up-to-date version of netrw:
  vim netrw.vba.gz
  :so %

Chip Campbell

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