Hale Boyes, Kevin  wrote:
> How do I search in a document to the next line that doesn't contain a
> specific string?  Something along the lines of "grep -v".

If you need all lines that don't contain pattern, try :v/pattern/

If you want to jump to the next line that does not match pattern,
you could do this:

:while getline(line(".")) =~ 'pattern'
:   norm j

Of course, you can't use this in a range. So if you would like to
:5,/xpattern/ command
with xpattern addressing the next line that does not match
pattern, you are out of luck. In that case, you would need to do
use marks:
:while getline(line(".")) =~ 'pattern'
:   norm j
:'a,'b command

> Thanks,
> Kevin.


 Thomas Köhler       Email:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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