The following is the result of doing



that is inserting 1.1 and a newline, and then repeating. For some
strange reason the . isn't repeated as it should be.

I'm running the text version of vim in a gnome terminal on fedora core
6 using utf-8.

I don't get the behavior you describe on any of the platforms I tried it. My first thought is that some plugin or terminal setting is messing you up.

Does it happen when you start vim with

        vim -u NONE

(which would bypass your startup files)? If so, you either have a wonky build or gnome terminal is doing something abnormal. However, if the same behavior doesn't occur when you skip your startup files, you have some sort of funky mapping/plugin that's hosing you expectations.

I suspect it's the latter.

You can use


to determine which scripts have been loaded, and which mappings have been created. Armed with the above information, tracking down the problem should be much easier.


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