On Mon, 23 Apr 2007 09:47:21 -0500, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > I use vim7 on Win32 and every time I save a file, vim adds a
> > new blank (CR+LF) line at the end of the file although it is
> > not visible when in vim. Is there an option to disable this
> > behaviour?
> yes, there is a way to break expectations :)

To expand on that, the CRLF (or LF on Unix or CR on Mac) is a line
_terminator_, not a line _separator_, even though many people refer
to it as a separator. Every line in a text file should end with the
correct end of line sequence, including the last line. If some other
editor misinterprets a final CRLF to mean that there's an empty blank
line at the end of the file then that editor is broken.

Some products will consider a file without a terminator on the final
line to have been truncated, and will report it as a potential problem
because from the product's point of view the input has terminated
unexpectedly in the middle of a line. I used to have this problem at
work when people edited scripts with Notepad and then passed them to
Oracle's SQL*Plus, resulting in a complaint about truncated input on
every script.

Matthew Winn

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