Odd, I got this here, but not from the vimlist...

>Couldn't the 'patch' command do this?  E.g., Vim#1 has made some
changes to
>example.c (but not saved them), and Vim#2 makes some different changes
>Shouldn't this be possible through the autocommands? I think you could
>this as a plugin, Yakov.

Imagine it'd be possible with some script to throw together a 'vimdiff'
of sorts and implement what you want, but me personally, I'd rather not
ever use that.

Would best be a plugin as you suggest, than as a built-in "feature".  I
have to reiterate that to me, such a thing just sounds too dangerous to
accidentally trash a file.  Much better to detect the .swp file and keep
things the way they are (eg, menu choice to ignore, reload, edit-anyway,

Just my 2c.

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