Andrew Falanga wrote:
On 4/24/07, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Andrew Falanga wrote:
>> It means step 2 wasn't done properly. You should find the unpacked
>> vimball
>> files in the plugin/ and autoload/ subfolders of some folder mentioned in
>> 'runtimepath'.
> Nope, I looked in each of the directories (after doing tar -tf
> vimball.tar, to get a list of the files), and all did extract
> properly.
> Andy

Please use "Reply to All", nor "Reply to Sender" next time, so that other Vim users (including the plugin author, Dr. Charles "Chip" Campbell), can see your

Sorry.  I do have a hard time remembering.  Will try to do better.

":UseVimball" is defined by the vimball plugin. If the vimball plugin files have been properly unpacked (and, maybe, you restarted Vim since then) then the ":scriptnames" command should show you that plugin/vimballPlugin.vim has
been sourced.

Ok, I did ":scriptnames" and I did see the plugin/vimballPlugin.vim as
being sourced.  However, I still get "E492: Not an editor command:
UseVimball" when doing ":so %" as originally instructed by Dr. Chip.


- Are you sure the vimballPlugin.vim that is sourced is the one you just installed?

- Are you sure another version of the same is not _also_ sourced?

- Are you sure you don't create a variable named loaded_vimballPlugin (or g:loaded_vimballPlugin) in your vimrc?

Best regards,
To be is to do.
                -- I. Kant
To do is to be.
                -- A. Sartre
                -- F. Flinstone

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