>> I expected :g/^\d/fold to create a fold of all lines
>> matching ^\d, but nothing happens, except that the search
>> string is higlighted. My 'foldmethod' is 'manual'. What
>> am I missing?
> ":fold" expects a |range|. You don't supply one. What the
> above does is put the cursor on every line starting with a
> digit and executing ":fold" on each of them, creating
> (IIUC) a one-line fold for every line starting with a
> digit.
> Try (untested)
>    function FoldNumbered()
>            normal! gg
>            while search('^\d','W')
>                    let l = search('^\_[^[:digit:]]','nW')
>                    if l
>                            exe '.,' . (l-1) . 'fold'
>                    else
>                            .,$fold
>                    endif
>            endwhile
>    endfunction

This sounds like a good opportunity to use a fold expression:

  :set foldmethod=expr foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)[0]=~'\\d'

will fold away lines beginning with a digit.  It has fewer
odd edge-cases at the top and bottom of the file.


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