On 2007-05-02, Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Yakov Lerner wrote:
> > I 'set ve=all' and selected a rectangle with Ctrl-V.
> > How can I move this rectangle up/down left/right with arrows ?
>  With DrawIt v8d, you can move a selected rectangle about with your mouse.
>  Here's the relevant portion of the help for DrawIt:
>  <ctrl-leftmouse>
>     One may drag and move a selection with <ctrl-leftmouse>.  First,
>     select the region using the <leftmouse>.  Release the mouse button,
>     then press ctrl and the <leftmouse> button; while continuing to press
>     the button, move the mouse.  The selected block of text will then
>     move along with the cursor.

Unfortunately, this works only for gvim, not vim.  <ctrl-leftmouse> 
in an xterm opens the Main Options menu.

>  Here's how to get & install DrawIt (when 7.1 comes out, this will become
>  lots easier - just steps 3&4)

>  3) Get DrawIt:
>    http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=40
>    http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/index.html#DRAWIT
>  4) Install an up-to-date version of Drawit:
>    vim DrawIt.vba.gz
>    :so %
>    :q

One may need to uninstall (i.e., delete) any earlier version of
DrawIt, too, specifically the file ~/.vim/plugin/DrawIt.vim.  The
symptoms of needing to do this include vim complaining at startup
that \di has been defined twice.

I use the line-drawing capability of DrawIt all the time.  I haven't
done much with the visual-block commands, so I thought I'd try one.
I think I found a bug in the version of DrawIt from the astronaut

I inserted the following two paragraphs of text into a buffer,
started DrawIt by typing \di, left-clicked the mouse on the
character in the upper left corner of the region (the 'e' in
"everywhere", no longer visible below), dragged the visual selection
to the lower right corner, and typed \b to draw a box.

   Mary had a little lamb,
   Its fleece was white as snow,
   And +------------------+ went,
   The |amb was sure to go|
   It f|llowed her to scho|l one day,
   And made the children laugh and play
   To see a lamb at school.

Note that the two bars between the paragraphs are in columns 1 and 2
instead of 8 and 27.


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Mobile Broadband Division
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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