* A.J.Mechelynck is quoted & my replies are inline below :
> Troy Piggins wrote:
> [...]
> >Filter looks promising.  If you have figlet on your system, how do
> >you use it?  Do you ever use it within vim?  Do you have keys
> >mapped, or scripts?
> [...]
> You can replace a range of lines by its figlet representation: Here are a 
> few examples:
>       <Visual>!figlet
> or
>       <Visual>:!figlet
> which appears as
>       :'<,'>!figlet
>               replace the (linewise) Visual selection
> see
>       :help filter
>       :help [range]
> In all the above examples, add after "!figlet" any command-line parameters 
> required by the figlet command (which takes its input on stdin and writes 
> its output to stdout, Vim takes care of that).

Got it.  And a big

 _____ _                 _                        _____                 _ 
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Troy Piggins | http://piggo.com/~troy

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