>Let's say I want to see which files end with t. When I do
>      :e *t<tab>
>vim shows not only files anding with t but all files
>containing t, as if I did :e *t*<Tab>.
>How can I limit the filename completion only to files ending with t ?

Hmm, would think it's by design, but I tried

        :e *t$<tab>

and that didn't work, so dunno.

Imagine it's by design, because you *want* to be able to just hit

        :e ab<tab>

and *not* have to specify

        :e ab*<tab>

right?  Ie, same like 4DOS, various'n'sundry Eunuchs shells, etc., all
seem to do.

The leading '*' should wildcard any leading chars 'til it finds the
literal pattern to match, but yeah, there should be a way to force it
match the last char of the filename, eg, by forcing a '$' as I tried,

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