Gary Johnson wrote:

On 2007-05-10, "Brian E. Lozier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In vim 6, a line at the bottom would show the column the cursor is
over, so I could see like, colymn 79 or whatever.  On vim 7 (gvim,
more specifically), the status line at the bottom doesn't show up.  Is
there a way to enable it?

If you want the full status line,

  set laststatus=2

If you just want to see the cursor position,

  set ruler

I don't know why it was there for you in vim 6 but not in vim 7 unless your upgrade process did more than just change the vim binaries and runtime files. Perhaps your new installation changed the system vimrc as well.
Or, perhaps you did your customization in a system file such as /usr/local/vim/vim60/vimrc.example? In that case, you can expect it to be wiped out during updates. Instead, do your customization work in your .vimrc in your home directoryand these little gotchas will stop happening. If you don't know
where your home directory is...

:echo $HOME
(if that doesn't show anything...)
:echo $VIM

should suffice to let you know your home is, at least from vim's viewpoint.

BTW, if that's in fact what you did -- I expect vim60/vimrc.example to still be there; it's just not
in vim70/ .

Chip Campbell

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