On May 28, 2007, at 8:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Slightly Off-topic, but I'm still wondering why bottom-posting is prefered
on Vim Mainling List.

As far as I know, most e-mail clients defaults to top-posting (i.e. replied
message shows before the original message), and I personally feel
top-posting much much easier to read than bottom-posting.

Is there any point (or historic reason) choosing bottom-post ?

I have seen it explained like this:

    A: Because it disrupts the flow of the conversation.
    Q: Why is top-posting deprecated?

I don't agree 100% with that pithy example, because quite a few
forums, blogs and bulletin boards default to most-recent-message
first, which is essentially top-posting. In fact, I work at a company
that develops and runs online communities, and many end-users (and
some of the clients who hire us to do their communities choose to list
threads that way.

As for me, I adapt to whatever is the preference of the community. In
some, top-posting is a quick trip to a flame-war. In others, it is
the norm.


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