At first blush, it looks really good.  I'm making a httrack copy of it
right now since I know that it won't be up much longer.  Later I can
give you a better review :)

Great work!

Tom Purl

On Tue, May 29, 2007 7:04 am, Sebastian Menge wrote:
> Hi all
> Access the first beta here:
> I did a lot of experiments over the weekend. I mostly used a local
> mediawiki-installation and even from localhost to localhost a full
> import takes about an hour. Im excited to learn how long it will take to
> import to a remote mediawiki ...
> Some notes about it:
> 1) references to other tips get automatically replaced like in
> 2) references to the vim help get replaced by links to the
> as in
> 3) the following chars are forbidden in titles : [] {} # | +
> These get replaced by __HASH__ __PLUS__ and the like. This is ugly but i
> dont want to do any editorial work on the articles now.
> 4) The formatting of the tips and comments gets broken fairly often.
> This is because original tips are verbatim and could contain wiki-markup
> (eg. one space indent is interpreted as verbatim by the wiki or the vim
> command '[[' starts a wiki tag)
> 5) we definitely need to edit the tips later on. I wont tweak the script
> up to infinity. Some things are easier repaired by Hand (e.g.
> )
> My host is only accessible until 17h MESZ (thats 3h from now on). Then
> i'll be offline.
> Please give feedback!
> Sebastian.

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