Hi everybody,

I have just recently installed my new linux box. It runs openSUSE 10.2,
and I have upgraded vim to version 7.0.243 .

Before, I have used older vim versions (6 and older).

In the past I have used <ctrl-v><decimal_number> to insert special
characters (there are five uppercase and five lowercase exotic characters in
Croatian language). A single byte was used to store each of these characters.

However, in version 7 two bytes are used to store each of them! I don't know
how to fix this problem. The value of LANG variable is en_US.UTF-8 and
encoding is not mentioned in my vimrc file. Decimal values of these exotic
characters are 200, 232, 198, 230, 208, 240, 169, 186, 174 and 190.

Now 200 is replaced with two bytes: 195 and 136 (decimal) etc.

The command :digraphs works fine and lists digraphs using iso-8859-1, I guess.
The command :set encoding shows that encoding is utf-8 .
Normally, we use the code page ISO-8859-2 here in Croatia.

What can I do to force vim to use a single byte to store exotic character?

Best regards,
Damir Zucic

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