Tim Johnson wrote:
> when I choose the font size, the font that is loaded is very different
> from what was installed when i started and is far from appealing.

Is it a bitmap font?  You can recognize a bitmap font from the sharp
edges and "pixellated" appearance.  Bitmap fonts come in only one size,
so if that's the case you don't have much choice but to change font.
Fortunately there are usually a wealth of "fixed" bitmap fonts of
varying size and shape to choose from and you can find a ton more on the
web, both free and commercial.

If it's not a bitmap font, then it's a strange behaviour.  Can you
post screenshots of both fonts you get, before and after changing size?
Maybe some of us will recognize them.

(Don't send picture files directly to the list, it's considered rude.
Rather, upload them to your web space, to http://imageshack.us/ or to
another such service and post the link to the picture.)


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