>> But something I really do think is worth changing because it's really
>> confusing, is ++enc. Why do we call this ++enc not ++fenc which would
>> make a huge amount more sense, and be more consistent with ++ff and
>> ++bin which both set their namesake options? We see evidence of people
>> getting 'enc' and 'fenc' confused on a regular basis, and this feature
>> naming really doesn't help matters. What would you think of changing
>> this, Bram? Perhaps making it officially ++fenc but accepting ++enc
>> for compatibility with old scripts (and old users!)?
> These are not really option names, although I can see that they are so
> similar that people might think that.  They are options for the command.
> Offering more alternatives isn't going to make it simpler.  We also
> don't have 'fbin' for reading a file in binary mode.

Yes, I realise they're not option names, but they undeniably do look like it, 
time and time again we see people getting 'fenc' and 'enc' confused, and ++ff 
'ff' when reading, ++bin sets 'bin', but ++enc sets 'fenc'. This is only 
because there *is* an option called 'enc'. If there weren't, as there isn't a 
'fbin' option, nor a 'format' option, it would be no problem.

But, hey, it's not too important. I just thought I'd throw it out there, as I 
think it has potential to help a lot of users avoid confusion. Maybe I'm wrong. 
would be interesting to hear what others think.

>> Also, I wonder whether it might be worth adding a 'best practices'
>> section to mbyte.txt and referring to it in such places as 'enc'
>> (probably mostly there) which explains the basics in a few short
>> paragraphs: set 'enc' in your .vimrc (recommend utf-8), 'tenc' if your
>> terminal/locale is different (unneeded in GUI), use ++fenc if a file
>> is read with wrong encoding detected, 'fenc' to change what encoding
>> to write a file with for future writes. This sort of material is
>> repeated frequently on the mailing lists which suggests users aren't
>> finding it easily in the help (though it is all there, it is somewhat
>> spread around, etc.). Do others think this might or something similar
>> might be a good idea?
> It will certainly help to update the documentation to explain common
> pitfalls.  Writing this in a nice way, without becoming too verbose and
> putting it in the right place is not easy.  If you or someone else can
> suggest a patch that would be great.

I agree. Terseness is definitely not my strength, though, so I might leave this 
someone else to have a try if anyone is willing. Volunteers?


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