Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> Dasn wrote:
>> Well, it seems the new line continuation can be placed weirdly, which
>> will make the vim script syntax file even messy when considering the
>> line continuation. Any comments?
>> $ cat test.vim
>> e
>> \c
>> \h
>> \o
>> \ l
>> \e
>> \n("hello")
>> q
>> $ ex -Nu NONE -S test.vim
>> 5
> So? You can also indent your scripts weirdly, e.g. reducing the indent 
> after an "if" command, or even messily, e.g. indenting your lines by the 
> result of tossing a 20-side die, regardless of syntax. To the best of my 
> knowledge, in neither case did anyone ever recommend it.
> The vim-script syntax disregards all spaces and the preceding linebreak 
> preceding a backslash which is the first non-blank on a line; it also 
> disregards indenting (which is only there to make the script more 
> readable to human people). That doesn't mean there is no such thing as 
> "good script writing style", which would be stricter than going by 
> anything the parser would accept. In the same way, it _is_ possible to 
> write C or CSS by removing all indent, all comments, all "unnecessary" 
> spaces, and filling the lines to, let's say, the longest possible length 
> shorter than 160 characters; the C compiler or the browser won't give an 
> error, but I would never call that "good" programming style.

And indeed, it is worth posting the link for those who are not already familiar 
with the International Obfuscated C Code Contest.



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