On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 11:18 PM, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> Configure is supposed to check whether one of the system provided
> string-move operations handle overlap. Here's what I see in the logs and
> files produced by configure on my system:


> So I suppose mch_memmove should be used everywhere for moves of byte
> strings (overlapping or not), and it will be resolved by bcopy, memmove,
> memcpy or the owncoded function according to what configure has found.

You're right up til this point, but mch_memmove() should only be used
where the bytes are overlapping, since it's so much less efficient
than just a normal memcpy() and that loss is only justified when its
extra feature is being used.  memmove() should never be used in the
vim sources.


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