> You can compile your own Vim 7.2.075, see 
> http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/compunix.htm

I'm sure Matt is completely capable of doing this, Tony, and almost
certainly needs no assistance.

> Before reporting a bug, it is always better to try reproducing it with 
> the latest published bugfixed version.

That's not strictly true, particularly in a case like this. The bug
involves pretty subtle code interactions, and is difficult to reproduce.
Checking with a later version may work just fine, but doesn't
necessarily indicate the bug has been fixed--it may be that it simply
can't be reproduced using the same steps as before. So unless a patch
claims to deal with the situation being encountered, there is little
point trying a later version, as if anything, this may lull us into a
false sense of security.

Similar problems exist trying to test subtle bugs like this are fixed,
too. It is not uncommon for a developer to 'fix' a bug in their version
of the code, then need to do a CVS update (or such) before being able to
CVS commit their changes back to the main code repository, and for that
update to cause the bug to longer be reproducible, thus meaning that the
developer can no longer test whether their change fixes the bug in the
current codebase, but only in their older version. Of course, testing
with the old version gives some confidence, but not always as much as
we'd like!



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