On Wed, 07 Jan 2009 08:25:35 +0800, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

> On 07/01/09 00:39, Matt Wozniski wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 6:10 PM, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
>>> On 06/01/09 12:31, anhnmncb wrote:
>>>> Hi, list, as title, if so, why can't many functions
>>>> still handle correctly with unicode? For example the func:
>>>>        getline('.')[col('.')-1]
>>>> Can't return a charactor outside the range of ascii.
>>> because string[index] returns a byte value, not a character value: see
>>> ":help expr8".
>> *Nod*
>>>   If the character at the cursor is>  U+007F, you'll get
>>> the first byte (in the range 0xC0-0xFD, or in practice in the range
>>> 0xC0-0xF4) of its UTF-8 representation.
>> No, you could get some byte of some entirely different character.  Ie,
>> on a line with two 2-byte characters, getline('.')[col('.')-1] on the
>> second character would return the 2nd byte of the first character.
> col() gives a one-based byte ordinal. [] takes a zero-based argument. I
> stand by what I said.
>>> The _character_ at the cursor is obtained as follows:
>>>         let i0 = byteidx(getline('.'), virtcol('.') - 1)
>>>         let i1 = byteidx(getline('.'), virtcol('.'))
>>>         let character = strpart(getline('.'), i0, i1 - 10)
>> Using virtcol() there seems broken... what if you're in the middle of
>> a tab, for example, with virtualedit=all?
>> :echo join(split("áéíóú", '\zs')[1:3], '')
> OK, I didn't think of virtual editing, nor even, it seems, of
> multi-column characters such as tabs and fullwidth CJK. However, [1:3]
> wouldn't work because the idea is that we're in a script, we don't know
> that we're in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd column, just that we want "whatever is
> at the cursor". I might do it with
>       function CursorChar()
>               normal yl
>               return @@
>       endfunction
>> is how I would do it... but, is there any real reason why indexing
>> into a string *should* be byte oriented instead of character oriented,
>> apart from backwards compatibility?  It seems drastically less easy to
>> use the thing that more people want to use more of the time; and in
>> fact some of the snippets in the vim help (like the example given at
>> :help expr-8) won't work on multibyte lines given the way that string
>> indexing works now.  It seems like a place where the cost of losing
>> backwards compatibility might be outweighed by the cost of keeping
>> things the way they are...
>> ~Matt
> Changing an existing construct from byte-oriented to
> multibyte-character-oriented would probably break a lot of existing
> scripts. I don't believe Bram would ever accept that.
> Best regards,
> Tony.

Hmm, I think I got the point.

btw, I tested your func on a line with "测试"(test)

        let i0 = byteidx(getline('.'), virtcol('.') - 1)
        let i1 = byteidx(getline('.'), virtcol('.'))
        let character = strpart(getline('.'), i0, i1 - 10)

Then echo character got nothing.


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