On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 07:26:56AM -0700, Elena wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to port some Vim color schemes to my editor of choice (I'd
> better not tell you which one ;-)
> I somewhat understand the syntax of color scheme scripts, however I
> don't know where to look for "highlighting groups" (I think they are
> called like this). For instance, in some lines like these:
>   hi Identifier               guifg=#a030a0   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
>   hi ModeMsg          guifg=fg        guibg=#b0b0e0   gui=NONE
>   hi VisualNOS                guifg=fg        guibg=#b0b0e0   gui=NONE
> I'd like to know what kind of text Identifier, ModeMsg, VisualNOS
> highlight.

What Identifier means will depend on the syntax script for the
filetype of the current buffer.

The other highlight groups you mentioned pertain to the editor itself,
and don't change when your buffer's filetype setting changes.

> Where can I look? Can I query a running Vim for help about that?

Try running :syntax to see what highlight groups are defined for the
current buffer, and what regexes each highlight group match.

:highlight works closely with :syntax.  You'll need at least a basic
understanding of each to grok what's going on.

You can start by reading
:help :hi-link
:help :syntax

I hope this helps.

Erik Falor
Registered Linux User #445632 http://counter.li.org

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