Hi Marcin,

With the conceal feature enabled it happens that a long line that fills
several screen lines (without conceal) is break at exactly the same places
when conceal is not enabled. For example look at the following line with the
following settings: set ft=tex, set cole=2
\(\bigcap_{i\in I}\;A\otimes I_i\ni\sum_{l=1}^n a_l\otimes b_l&  
\;\Leftrightarrow\;\forall_{i\in I}\ \sum_{l=1}^n a_l\otimes b_l\in A\otimes 

It would be nice if vim could fill whole the lines, i.e. break them in
more accurate places when conceal is enabled.

I've also noticed this problem and mentioned it on vim-dev, wondering whether it could be fixed or if it would complicate Vim too much, however I got no replies so I guess that means it would indeed be hard too fix, probably for the reasons I expected (see the attached message).

 - Peter

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Hi list,

Last night I switched to Vim 7.3 and one of the first things I wanted to try was the new conceal feature. A perfect test subject for me was Markdown text formatting because its goal is to be very readable but its syntax rules kind of get in the way of readability :-) (IMHO).

After some late night hacking I now have a ~/.vim/syntax/mkd.vim script which can conceal most of the extra syntax in Markdown texts and I really like it so far. Thanks to everyone who made this possible!

I don't know how far the conceal feature is supposed to be pushed (e.g. my syntax script hides full URLs which can more or less span a whole screen line...) but during testing I found that it's not really compatible with the 'wrap' option, at least not unless you like very jagged paragraphs :-(

I've attached the syntax script and a test case (a README from one of my Vim plug-ins with a lot of inline hyper links that make the text hard to follow without the conceal feature) for anyone who's interested. These two files could make a good test case for the line wrapping bug, if indeed it is considered a bug and can be fixed with reasonable effort (I suppose if concealing can make full screen lines disappear that might complicate Vim's drawing code significantly...)

 - Peter Odding
syntax spell toplevel
setlocal conceallevel=2

runtime! syntax/html.vim

" # Headings
syntax match mkdHeading /^#.*/ contains=mkdCode,mkdInlineLink,mkdRefLink
syntax match mkdHeadingMarker /^#\+\s*/ conceal contained containedin=mkdHeading

" Italic text.
syntax region mkdItalic matchgroup=mkdMarker start=/\\\@<!\*/ end=/\\\@<!\*/ 

" Bold text.
syntax region mkdBold matchgroup=mkdMarker start=/\\\@<!\*\*/ end=/\\\@<!\*\*/ 

" Inline `code` fragments.
syntax region mkdCode matchgroup=mkdMarker start=/\\\@<!`/ end=/\\\@<!`/ 

" Pre-formatted code blocks.
syntax match mkdCodeBlock /\(\_^    .*\)\+/ contains=@NoSpell

" <literal-link-syntax>
syntax match mkdLiteralLink !<\(\w\+://[^>]\+\|[^ \t\n>@]\+@[^ \t\n>]\+\)>! 
syntax match mkdLiteralLinkMarker /[<>]/ conceal contained 

" [inline](link://syntax)
syntax match mkdInlineLink /\[\_[^\]]\+]([^)]\+)/
syntax match mkdInlineLinkLabel /\[\@<=\_[^\]]\+]\@=/ contained 
containedin=mkdInlineLink contains=@NoSpell
syntax match mkdInlineLinkTarget /(\@<=[^)]\+)\@=/ contained 
containedin=mkdInlineLinkEnd contains=@NoSpell
syntax match mkdInlineLinkStart /\[/ conceal contained containedin=mkdInlineLink
syntax match mkdInlineLinkEnd /]([^)]\+)/ conceal contained 

" [reference][link-syntax]
syntax match mkdRefLink /\[\_[^\]]\+]\s*\[[^\]]\+]/
syntax match mkdRefLinkLabel /\[\@<=\_[^\]]\+\%(]\s*\[\)\@=/ contained 
containedin=mkdRefLink contains=@NoSpell
syntax match mkdRefLinkName /\%(]\s*\[\)\@<=[^\]]\+]\@=/ contained 
containedin=mkdRefLinkEnd contains=@NoSpell
syntax match mkdRefLinkStart /\[/ conceal contained containedin=mkdRefLink
syntax match mkdRefLinkEnd /]\s*\[[^\]]\+]/ conceal contained 

" [reference]: definitions
syntax match mkdRefDef /^\[[^\]]\+]:\s\+.*/
syntax match mkdRefDefName /\(^\[\)\@<=[^\]]\+]\@=/ contained 
containedin=mkdRefDef contains=@NoSpell
syntax match mkdRefDefTarget /\(]:\s*\)\@<=.*/ contained containedin=mkdRefDef 
syntax match mkdRefDefStart /^\[/ conceal contained containedin=mkdRefDef
syntax match mkdRefDefDelim /]:\@=/ conceal contained containedin=mkdRefDef

" The ability to do this is awesome :-)
syntax match mkdLessThan /&lt;/ conceal cchar=<
syntax match mkdGreaterThan /&gt;/ conceal cchar=>
syntax match mkdAmpersand /&amp;/ conceal cchar=&
syntax match mkdBullet /\(^\s*\)\@<=[-*+]/ conceal cchar=•
highlight link mkdBullet Comment

" Default highlighting styles.
highlight link mkdBold htmlBold
highlight link mkdCode String
highlight link mkdCodeBlock String
highlight link mkdHeading Title
highlight link mkdHeadingMarker Comment
highlight link mkdInlineLinkLabel Underlined
highlight link mkdInlineLinkTarget String
highlight link mkdItalic htmlItalic
highlight link mkdLiteralLink Underlined
highlight link mkdMarker Comment
highlight link mkdRefDefName String
highlight link mkdRefDefTarget Underlined
highlight link mkdRefLinkLabel Underlined
highlight link mkdRefLinkName String

" I know this is a hack but I *really* don't like the default highlighting of
" concealed text, which isn't gui=standout but it sure does stand out!
highlight Conceal guifg=fg guibg=bg

let b:current_syntax = "mkd"
# Automatic reloading of Vim scripts

The [reload.vim][reload] plug-in automatically reloads various types of [Vim][vim] scripts as they're being edited in Vim to give you instant feedback on the changes you make. For example while writing a Vim syntax script you can open a split window of the relevant file type and every time you [:update][update] your syntax script, [reload.vim][reload] will refresh the syntax highlighting in the split window. Automatic reloading of Vim scripts is currently supported for the following types of scripts:

 * [Standard plug-ins](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/usr_05.html#standard-plugin) located at `~/.vim/plugin/*.vim` on UNIX, `~\_vimfiles\plugin\*.vim` on Windows;

 * [Auto-load scripts](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#autoload) located at `~/.vim/autoload/*.vim` on UNIX, `~\_vimfiles\autoload\*.vim` on Windows;

 * [File-type plug-ins](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/filetype.html#filetype-plugins) located at `~/.vim/ftplugin/*.vim` on UNIX, `~\_vimfiles\ftplugin\*.vim` on Windows;

 * [Syntax highlighting scripts](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/syntax.html#syntax-highlighting) located at `~/.vim/syntax/*.vim` on UNIX, `~\_vimfiles\syntax\*.vim` on Windows;

 * [File-type indentation plug-ins](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/usr_30.html#30.3) located at `~/.vim/indent/*.vim` on UNIX, `~\_vimfiles\indent\*.vim` on Windows;

 * [Color scheme scripts](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/syntax.html#:colorscheme) located at `~/.vim/colors/*.vim` on UNIX, `~\_vimfiles\colors\*.vim` on Windows.

Note that [vimrc scripts][vimrc] are not reloaded because that seems to cause more trouble than it's worth...

## Install & first use

Unzip the most recent [ZIP archive](http://peterodding.com/code/vim/downloads/reload) file inside your Vim profile directory (usually this is `~/.vim` on UNIX and `%USERPROFILE%\vimfiles` on Windows), restart Vim and execute the command `:helptags ~/.vim/doc` (use `:helptags ~\vimfiles\doc` instead on Windows). Now try it out: Edit any Vim script that's already loaded (you can check using the [:scriptnames command][scriptnames]) and confirm that the script is reloaded when you save it (the reload.vim plug-in will print a message to confirm when a script is reloaded).

Out of the box the [reload.vim][reload] plug-in is configured to automatically reload all Vim scripts that it knows how to. If you like it this way then you don't need to configure anything! However if you don't like the automatic reloading then you'll need the following:

### The `g:reload_on_write` option

If you don't like automatic reloading because it slows Vim down or causes problems you can add the following line to your [vimrc script][vimrc]:

    let g:reload_on_write = 0

This disables automatic reloading which means you'll have to reload scripts using the command discussed below.

### The `:ReloadScript` command

You can execute the `:ReloadScript` command to reload the Vim script you're editing. If you provide a script name as argument to the command then that script will be reloaded instead, e.g.:

    :ReloadScript ~/.vim/plugin/reload.vim

If after executing this command you see Vim errors such as "Function already exists" ([E122](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#E122)) or "Command already exists" ([E174](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/map.html#E174)) then you'll need to change your Vim script(s) slightly to enable reloading, see below.

## Things that prevent reloading

If you want your Vim plug-ins and/or other scripts to be automatically reloaded they'll have to be written a certain way, though you can consider the following points good practice for Vim script writing anyway:

### Use a bang in command and function definitions!

Function and command definitions using Vim's [:command](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/map.html#:command) and [:function](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#:function) built-ins should include a [bang (!)](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/map.html#:command-bang) symbol, otherwise Vim will complain that the command or function already exists:

    " Bad:
    :command MyCmd call MyFun()
    :function MyFun()
    " Good:
    :command! MyCmd call MyFun()
    :function! MyFun()

### Use automatic command groups

Automatic commands using Vim's [:autocmd][autocmd] built-in should be defined inside of an [automatic command group](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/autocmd.html#:augroup) that's cleared so the automatic commands don't stack indefinitely when your [:autocmd][autocmd] commands are executed several times:

    " Bad example: If the following line were re-evaluated, the message would
    " appear multiple times the next time the automatic command fires:
    :autocmd TabEnter * echomsg "Entered tab page"
    " Good example: The following three lines can be reloaded without the
    " message appearing multiple times:
    :augroup MyPlugin
    :  autocmd! TabEnter * echomsg "Entered tab page"
    :augroup END

## Alternatives

The [ReloadScript](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1904) plug-in on [www.vim.org][vim] also supports reloading of Vim scripts, but there are a few notable differences:

 * This plug-in focuses on automatic reloading (I'm lazy) while the other one requires manual reloading;

 * This plug-in will *never* [:source](http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/repeat.html#:source) a file that hasn't already been loaded by Vim -- it checks using Vim's [:scriptnames][scriptnames] command;

 * This plug-in can more or less reload itself ;-)

## Contact

If you have questions, bug reports, suggestions, etc. the author can be contacted at <pe...@peterodding.com>. The latest version is available at <http://peterodding.com/code/vim/reload/> and <http://github.com/xolox/vim-reload>. If you like the plug-in please vote for it on [www.vim.org](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3148).

## License

This software is licensed under the [MIT license](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License).  
© 2010 Peter Odding &lt;<pe...@peterodding.com>&gt;.

[autocmd]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/autocmd.html#:autocmd
[reload]: http://github.com/xolox/vim-reload/blob/master/reload.vim
[scriptnames]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/repeat.html#:scriptnames
[update]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/editing.html#:update
[vim]: http://www.vim.org/
[vimrc]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/starting.html#vimrc
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