Kevin Goodsell wrote:
Opening a zip file with Vim doesn't work properly if the zip file
includes a comment. For example, create a zip file this way:

$ touch foo.txt
$ zip -z foo.txt
   adding: foo.txt (stored 0%)
enter new zip file comment (end with .):

When opening this zip, the file list will be displayed differently,
and opening a file will fail with the cryptic error "caution: filename
not matched".

The problem comes from the zip#Browse() function in autoload/zip.vim.
Once the zip contents have been listed with "unzip -l --
archive-name", It does the following:

let namecol= stridx(getline(6),'Name') + 1

Note that it expects to find 'Name' (the column header for the zip
listing) on line six. This works fine if there is no comment, because
the listing begins on line five of the buffer and the headers appear
on the second line of the listing. However, when a comment is present
unzip -l includes the comment before the headers, and the headers will
instead be on some line after line six. This causes the lines of the
listing to be left as-is, with file size and time information, rather
than being stripped down to just the name. When one of these lines is
selected, it is assumed that the length and time are part of the name,
but no file with that name can be located in the zip.

Here is a possible patch. I tried to simplify things a bit, using :d
with line numbers instead of :g with pattens. I also left the cursor
at the first file in the list, which seems nicer to me. This would
clearly not work with a localized version of zip that used non-English
names for the headers, but then neither does the original version.

This is based on a slightly older version of zip.vim, but there are no
relevant changes in the current version. The patch should apply


--- /usr/share/vim/vim72/autoload/zip.vim       2009-09-21 04:22:52.000000000 
+++ zip.vim     2010-12-23 17:37:00.000000000 -0800
@@ -121,14 +121,15 @@
  "  call Decho("line 6: ".getline(6))
-  let namecol= stridx(getline(6),'Name') + 1
+  1
+  let [headerline, namecol] =
  "  call Decho("namecol=".namecol)
-  4,$g/^\s*----/d
-  4,$g/^\s*\a/d
-  $d
+  exec printf("5,%dd", headerline+1)
+  $-1,$d
    if namecol>  0
     exe 'silent 4,$s/^.*\%'.namecol.'c//'
+  5

    setlocal noma nomod ro
    noremap<silent>  <buffer>  <cr>  :call<SID>ZipBrowseSelect()<cr>


I realize that this report is over a year old; I'm going through my old email and saw this.

Perhaps the most recent zip.vim already handles this? Please try v25 of zip.vim ( OTOH, its quite possible that I've already discussed this with you back when but didn't take your email off the hasn't-handled list.

Chip Campbell

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