There are two important problems with python support:
1) you still have to use .viml in order to load python
2) when using python its you having to remember which python to use despite
  most codes may work with python and python3 interpreter.
  Using the same (only one) interpreter is very important, because
  many vims will only support one, and loading both is slower

So this patch
- introduces the the option loadpyplugins, which is disabled by default
  like loadplugins it tells vim to load plugin/*.py files
- Special commands like "# requires python 2.x" can be used to force Vim using
  pyfile or py3file. If such a comment is missing the pythonx python version 
  is used to decide upon which interpreter to use. Obviously this setting
  should be set early in your .vimrc and not be touched again
  Likewise there are :pyxfile :pydo :pythonx :pyx pyxeval() to run python code
  depending on 'pythonx' setting.
- adds some of the commands to python.vim syntax file

Marc Weber

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