Excerpts from Dimitar DIMITROV's message of Fri Jul 19 13:18:09 +0200 2013:
> Hi,
> Did a search on the vim_dev archives but couldn't find anything related to 
> this. Sorry if this is redundant.
> Basically vim is exponentially slow after 1000000iHello <esc> as mentionned 
> in this link:
> http://www.galexander.org/vim_sucks.html
Let's discuss the use case, first. Is there one ? If not let's forgett
about it ..

Vim sucks in many ways - but on average it is very helpful for me.

You could try <c-r>=repeat('Hello', insanely-large-int)<cr> as
alternative - maybe its faster, maybe its not, I don't want to wait
50 min for this case unless there is a use case.

Marc Weber

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