
I often just open GVim (Windows 7, 64 bit) w/o any file name. As I always use 
the OLE version of GVim, and only want/need one incarnation of GVim - so I have 
to start GVim with '--remote-silent ""', resulting in the above mentioned error 
message; omitting the '""' ('--remote-silent') produces a syntax error message. 

This behavior could certainly be circumvented with a script, checking for the 
GVim process or using gvim --serverlist (as it was proposed in another thread), 


from my point of view - it would make more sense to have GVim accept the same 
major switches and arguments, independent of its invocation method ('--remote' 
or not), which is currently not the case. E.g. the following two invocations of 
GVim behave differently:

   gvim +:5 --remote-silent snort.min
   gvim +:5                 snort.min

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