My example is simple:
Please execute and paste it into the
command line of Vim this string.

echo "0123456789"

It is displayed in this part of the 64bit
environment, including me:


"3456789" is missing.
This problem function "screen_puts_len()" of.

This function sets a new pointer to a string in
"ptr" near the end. However, "len" to the
length of the string also should I set.

After this, this function is compared with
"int width" variable "text" and the new "ptr".
It should be compared with "long width" in 64bit.

In view of the meaning of the code, it is changed
the "(int)" than to "(long)", and ensure the
correct length of the string being set to the
new "ptr".

Fixes that I present is the previous patch.

Nobuhiro Takasaki

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