Windows 7 64-bit, with MinGW 64

Being in z:\lib\vim, and d:\temp\.vimrc only containing:

set autochdir
set encoding=utf-8

gvim -d x86\make_cyg_ming.mak x64\make_cyg_ming.mak -u d:\temp\.vimrc  (sample)

fails, as gvim doesn't find the first file. The name of the first buffer 
incorrectly reads: z:\lib\vim\x64\x64\make_cyg_ming.mak, the name of the second 
buffer is (correctly): z:\lib\vim\x86\make_cyg_min.mak (please cmp. attached 

Uncommenting either (or both) of the above options lets the diff succeed. As I 
haven't changed these options recently, I'm pretty sure, that this worked some 
time ago.

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