Hi Bram and list,

Attach a patch.
Please include this.

Best regards,
Hirohito Higashi (a.k.a. h_east)

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diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 28b4b20..5d895f1 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -2041,7 +2041,7 @@ test1 \
 	test30 test31 test32 test33 test34 test36 test37 test38 test39 \
 	test40 test41 test42 test43 test44 test45 test46 test48 test49 \
 	test50 test51 test52 test53 test54 test55 test56 test57 test58 test59 \
-	test60 test62 test64 test65 test66 test67 test68 test69 \
+	test60 test64 test65 test66 test67 test68 test69 \
 	test70 test71 test72 test73 test74 test75 test76 test77 test78 test79 \
 	test80 test81 test82 test83 test84 test85 test86 test87 test88 test89 \
 	test90 test91 test92 test93 test94 test95 test97 test98 test99 \
@@ -2122,6 +2122,7 @@ test_arglist \
 	test_syn_attr \
 	test_syntax \
 	test_tabline \
+	test_tabpage \
 	test_tagjump \
 	test_textobjects \
 	test_timers \
diff --git a/src/testdir/Make_all.mak b/src/testdir/Make_all.mak
index 2762a39..19973d5 100644
--- a/src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+++ b/src/testdir/Make_all.mak
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ SCRIPTS_ALL = \
 	test56.out \
 	test57.out \
 	test60.out \
-	test62.out \
 	test64.out \
 	test65.out \
 	test66.out \
diff --git a/src/testdir/test62.in b/src/testdir/test62.in
deleted file mode 100644
index c437f36..0000000
--- a/src/testdir/test62.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-Tests for tab pages
-:so small.vim
-:lang C
-:" Simple test for opening and closing a tab page
-:let nr = tabpagenr()
-:call append(line('$'), 'tab page ' . nr)
-:unlet nr
-:" Open three tab pages and use ":tabdo"
-:tabdo call append(line('$'), 'this is tab page ' . tabpagenr())
-:tabclose! 2
-:let line1 = getline('$')
-:let line2 = getline('$')
-:call append(line('$'), line1)
-:call append(line('$'), line2)
-:unlet line1 line2
-:" Test for settabvar() and gettabvar() functions. Open a new tab page and 
-:" set 3 variables to a number, string and a list. Verify that the variables
-:" are correctly set.
-:call settabvar(2, 'val_num', 100)
-:call settabvar(2, 'val_str', 'SetTabVar test')
-:call settabvar(2, 'val_list', ['red', 'blue', 'green'])
-:let test_status = 'gettabvar: fail'
-:if gettabvar(2, 'val_num') == 100 && gettabvar(2, 'val_str') == 'SetTabVar test' && gettabvar(2, 'val_list') == ['red', 'blue', 'green']
-:    let test_status = 'gettabvar: pass'
-:call append(line('$'), test_status)
-:tabnext 2
-:let test_status = 'settabvar: fail'
-:if t:val_num == 100 && t:val_str == 'SetTabVar test'  && t:val_list == ['red', 'blue', 'green']
-:   let test_status = 'settabvar: pass'
-:call append(line('$'), test_status)
-:if has('gui') || has('clientserver')
-:" Test for ":tab drop exist-file" to keep current window.
-:sp test1
-:tab drop test1
-:let test_status = 'tab drop 1: fail'
-:if tabpagenr('$') == 1 && winnr('$') == 2 && winnr() == 1
-:    let test_status = 'tab drop 1: pass'
-:call append(line('$'), test_status)
-:" Test for ":tab drop new-file" to keep current window of tabpage 1.
-:tab drop newfile
-:let test_status = 'tab drop 2: fail'
-:if tabpagenr('$') == 2 && tabpagewinnr(1, '$') == 2 && tabpagewinnr(1) == 1
-:    let test_status = 'tab drop 2: pass'
-:call append(line('$'), test_status)
-:" Test for ":tab drop multi-opend-file" to keep current tabpage and window.
-:new test1
-:new test1
-:tab drop test1
-:let test_status = 'tab drop 3: fail'
-:if tabpagenr() == 2 && tabpagewinnr(2, '$') == 2 && tabpagewinnr(2) == 1
-:    let test_status = 'tab drop 3: pass'
-:call append(line('$'), test_status)
-:" :drop not supported
-:call append(line('$'), 'tab drop 1: pass')
-:call append(line('$'), 'tab drop 2: pass')
-:call append(line('$'), 'tab drop 3: pass')
-:for i in range(9) | tabnew | endfor
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:tabmove 5
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:tabmove -
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:tabmove +
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:tabmove -2
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:tabmove +4
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:tabmove -20
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:tabmove +20
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:tabmove 0
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:tabmove $
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:7tabmove 5
-:$put =tabpagenr()
-:let a='No error caught.'
-:tabmove foo
-:catch E474
-:let a='E474 caught.'
-:$put =a
-:" Test autocommands
-:let g:r=[]
-:command -nargs=1 -bar C :call add(g:r, '=== ' . <q-args> . ' ===')|<args>
-:function Test()
-    let hasau=has('autocmd')
-    if hasau
-        autocmd TabEnter * :call add(g:r, 'TabEnter')
-        autocmd WinEnter * :call add(g:r, 'WinEnter')
-        autocmd BufEnter * :call add(g:r, 'BufEnter')
-        autocmd TabLeave * :call add(g:r, 'TabLeave')
-        autocmd WinLeave * :call add(g:r, 'WinLeave')
-        autocmd BufLeave * :call add(g:r, 'BufLeave')
-    endif
-    let t:a='a'
-    C tab split
-    if !hasau
-        let g:r+=['WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter']
-    endif
-    let t:a='b'
-    C tabnew
-    if !hasau
-        let g:r+=['WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter', 'BufLeave', 'BufEnter']
-    endif
-    let t:a='c'
-    call add(g:r, join(map(range(1, tabpagenr('$')), 'gettabvar(v:val, "a")')))
-    C call map(range(1, tabpagenr('$')), 'settabvar(v:val, ''a'', v:val*2)')
-    call add(g:r, join(map(range(1, tabpagenr('$')), 'gettabvar(v:val, "a")')))
-    let w:a='a'
-    C vsplit
-    if !hasau
-        let g:r+=['WinLeave', 'WinEnter']
-    endif
-    let w:a='a'
-    let tabn=tabpagenr()
-    let winr=range(1, winnr('$'))
-    C tabnext 1
-    if !hasau
-        let g:r+=['BufLeave', 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter', 'BufEnter']
-    endif
-    call add(g:r, join(map(copy(winr), 'gettabwinvar('.tabn.', v:val, "a")')))
-    C call map(copy(winr), 'settabwinvar('.tabn.', v:val, ''a'', v:val*2)')
-    call add(g:r, join(map(copy(winr), 'gettabwinvar('.tabn.', v:val, "a")')))
-    if hasau
-        augroup TabDestructive
-            autocmd TabEnter * :C tabnext 2 | C tabclose 3
-        augroup END
-        C tabnext 3
-        let g:r+=[tabpagenr().'/'.tabpagenr('$')]
-        autocmd! TabDestructive TabEnter
-        C tabnew
-        C tabnext 1
-        autocmd TabDestructive TabEnter * nested :C tabnext 2 | C tabclose 3
-        C tabnext 3
-        let g:r+=[tabpagenr().'/'.tabpagenr('$')]
-    else
-        let g:r+=["=== tabnext 3 ===","BufLeave","WinLeave","TabLeave","WinEnter","TabEnter","=== tabnext 2 ===","=== tabclose 3 ===","2/2","=== tabnew ===","WinLeave","TabLeave","WinEnter","TabEnter","BufLeave","BufEnter","=== tabnext 1 ===","BufLeave","WinLeave","TabLeave","WinEnter","TabEnter","BufEnter","=== tabnext 3 ===","BufLeave","WinLeave","TabLeave","WinEnter","TabEnter","=== tabnext 2 ===","BufLeave","WinLeave","TabLeave","WinEnter","TabEnter","=== tabnext 2 ===","=== tabclose 3 ===","BufEnter","=== tabclose 3 ===","2/2",]
-    endif
-:call Test()
-:$ put =g:r
-:/^Results/,$w! test.out
diff --git a/src/testdir/test62.ok b/src/testdir/test62.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index a0115bf..0000000
--- a/src/testdir/test62.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-tab page 2
-this is tab page 3
-this is tab page 1
-this is tab page 4
-gettabvar: pass
-settabvar: pass
-tab drop 1: pass
-tab drop 2: pass
-tab drop 3: pass
-E474 caught.
-=== tab split ===
-=== tabnew ===
-a b c
-=== call map(range(1, tabpagenr('$')), 'settabvar(v:val, ''a'', v:val*2)') ===
-2 4 6
-=== vsplit ===
-=== tabnext 1 ===
-a a
-=== call map(copy(winr), 'settabwinvar('.tabn.', v:val, ''a'', v:val*2)') ===
-2 4
-=== tabnext 3 ===
-=== tabnext 2 ===
-=== tabclose 3 ===
-=== tabnew ===
-=== tabnext 1 ===
-=== tabnext 3 ===
-=== tabnext 2 ===
-=== tabnext 2 ===
-=== tabclose 3 ===
-=== tabclose 3 ===
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_alot.vim b/src/testdir/test_alot.vim
index 442ba2e..daf5b0a 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_alot.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_alot.vim
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ source test_sort.vim
 source test_statusline.vim
 source test_syn_attr.vim
 source test_tabline.vim
+source test_tabpage.vim
 source test_tagjump.vim
 source test_timers.vim
 source test_true_false.vim
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_tabpage.vim b/src/testdir/test_tabpage.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8d6c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testdir/test_tabpage.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+" Tests for tabpage
+function Test_tabpage()
+  bw!
+  " Simple test for opening and closing a tab page
+  tabnew
+  call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr())
+  quit
+  " Open three tab pages and use ":tabdo"
+  0tabnew
+  1tabnew
+  $tabnew
+  tabdo call append(line('$'), tabpagenr())
+  tabclose! 2
+  tabrewind
+  let line1 = getline('$')
+  undo
+  q
+  tablast
+  let line2 = getline('$')
+  q!
+  call append(line('$'), line1)
+  call append(line('$'), line2)
+  unlet line1 line2
+  call assert_equal(['', '3', '1', '4'], getline(1, '$'))
+  "
+  " Test for settabvar() and gettabvar() functions. Open a new tab page and
+  " set 3 variables to a number, string and a list. Verify that the variables
+  " are correctly set.
+  tabnew
+  tabfirst
+  call settabvar(2, 'val_num', 100)
+  call settabvar(2, 'val_str', 'SetTabVar test')
+  call settabvar(2, 'val_list', ['red', 'blue', 'green'])
+  "
+  call assert_true(gettabvar(2, 'val_num') == 100 && gettabvar(2, 'val_str') == 'SetTabVar test' && gettabvar(2, 'val_list') == ['red', 'blue', 'green'])
+  tabnext 2
+  call assert_true(t:val_num == 100 && t:val_str == 'SetTabVar test'  && t:val_list == ['red', 'blue', 'green'])
+  tabclose
+  if has('gui') || has('clientserver')
+    " Test for ":tab drop exist-file" to keep current window.
+    sp test1
+    tab drop test1
+    call assert_true(tabpagenr('$') == 1 && winnr('$') == 2 && winnr() == 1)
+    close
+    "
+    "
+    " Test for ":tab drop new-file" to keep current window of tabpage 1.
+    split
+    tab drop newfile
+    call assert_true(tabpagenr('$') == 2 && tabpagewinnr(1, '$') == 2 && tabpagewinnr(1) == 1)
+    tabclose
+    q
+    "
+    "
+    " Test for ":tab drop multi-opend-file" to keep current tabpage and window.
+    new test1
+    tabnew
+    new test1
+    tab drop test1
+    call assert_true(tabpagenr() == 2 && tabpagewinnr(2, '$') == 2 && tabpagewinnr(2) == 1)
+    tabclose
+    q
+  endif
+  "
+  "
+  for i in range(9) | tabnew | endfor
+  normal! 1gt
+  call assert_equal(1, tabpagenr())
+  tabmove 5
+  call assert_equal(5, tabpagenr())
+  .tabmove
+  call assert_equal(5, tabpagenr())
+  tabmove -
+  call assert_equal(4, tabpagenr())
+  tabmove +
+  call assert_equal(5, tabpagenr())
+  tabmove -2
+  call assert_equal(3, tabpagenr())
+  tabmove +4
+  call assert_equal(7, tabpagenr())
+  tabmove
+  call assert_equal(10, tabpagenr())
+  tabmove -20
+  call assert_equal(1, tabpagenr())
+  tabmove +20
+  call assert_equal(10, tabpagenr())
+  0tabmove
+  call assert_equal(1, tabpagenr())
+  $tabmove
+  call assert_equal(10, tabpagenr())
+  tabmove 0
+  call assert_equal(1, tabpagenr())
+  tabmove $
+  call assert_equal(10, tabpagenr())
+  3tabmove
+  call assert_equal(4, tabpagenr())
+  7tabmove 5
+  call assert_equal(5, tabpagenr())
+  call assert_fails("tabmove foo", 'E474:')
+" Test autocommands
+function Test_tabpage_with_autocmd()
+  if !has('autocmd')
+    return
+  endif
+  tabonly!
+  command -nargs=1 -bar C :call add(s:li, '=== ' . <q-args> . ' ===')|<args>
+  augroup TestTabpageGroup
+    au!
+    autocmd TabEnter * call add(s:li, 'TabEnter')
+    autocmd WinEnter * call add(s:li, 'WinEnter')
+    autocmd BufEnter * call add(s:li, 'BufEnter')
+    autocmd TabLeave * call add(s:li, 'TabLeave')
+    autocmd WinLeave * call add(s:li, 'WinLeave')
+    autocmd BufLeave * call add(s:li, 'BufLeave')
+  augroup END
+  let s:li = []
+  let t:a='a'
+  C tab split
+  call assert_equal(['=== tab split ===', 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter'], s:li)
+  let s:li = []
+  let t:a='b'
+  C tabnew
+  call assert_equal(['=== tabnew ===', 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter', 'BufLeave', 'BufEnter'], s:li)
+  let t:a='c'
+  let s:li = split(join(map(range(1, tabpagenr('$')), 'gettabvar(v:val, "a")')) , '\s\+')
+  call assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c'], s:li)
+  let s:li = []
+  C call map(range(1, tabpagenr('$')), 'settabvar(v:val, ''a'', v:val*2)')
+  call assert_equal(["=== call map(range(1, tabpagenr('$')), 'settabvar(v:val, ''a'', v:val*2)') ==="], s:li)
+  let s:li = split(join(map(range(1, tabpagenr('$')), 'gettabvar(v:val, "a")')) , '\s\+')
+  call assert_equal(['2', '4', '6'], s:li)
+  let s:li = []
+  let w:a='a'
+  C vsplit
+  call assert_equal(['=== vsplit ===', 'WinLeave', 'WinEnter'], s:li)
+  let s:li = []
+  let w:a='a'
+  let tabn=tabpagenr()
+  let winr=range(1, winnr('$'))
+  C tabnext 1
+  call assert_equal(['=== tabnext 1 ===', 'BufLeave', 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter', 'BufEnter'], s:li)
+  let s:li = split(join(map(copy(winr), 'gettabwinvar('.tabn.', v:val, "a")')), '\s\+')
+  call assert_equal(['a', 'a'], s:li)
+  let s:li = []
+  C call map(copy(winr), 'settabwinvar('.tabn.', v:val, ''a'', v:val*2)')
+  let s:li = split(join(map(copy(winr), 'gettabwinvar('.tabn.', v:val, "a")')), '\s\+')
+  call assert_equal(['2', '4'], s:li)
+  augroup TabDestructive
+    autocmd TabEnter * :C tabnext 2 | C tabclose 3
+  augroup END
+  let s:li = []
+  C tabnext 3
+  call assert_equal(['=== tabnext 3 ===', 'BufLeave', 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter', '=== tabnext 2 ===', '=== tabclose 3 ==='], s:li)
+  call assert_equal(['2/2'], [tabpagenr().'/'.tabpagenr('$')])
+  autocmd! TabDestructive TabEnter
+  let s:li = []
+  C tabnew
+  call assert_equal(['=== tabnew ===', 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter', 'BufLeave', 'BufEnter'], s:li)
+  let s:li = []
+  C tabnext 1
+  call assert_equal(['=== tabnext 1 ===', 'BufLeave', 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter', 'BufEnter'], s:li)
+  autocmd TabDestructive TabEnter * nested :C tabnext 2 | C tabclose 3
+  let s:li = []
+  C tabnext 3
+  call assert_equal(['=== tabnext 3 ===', 'BufLeave', 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter', '=== tabnext 2 ===', 'BufLeave', 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter', '=== tabnext 2 ===', '=== tabclose 3 ===', 'BufEnter', '=== tabclose 3 ==='], s:li)
+  call assert_equal(['2/2'], [tabpagenr().'/'.tabpagenr('$')])
+  delcommand C
+  autocmd! TabDestructive
+  augroup! TabDestructive
+  autocmd! TestTabpageGroup
+  augroup! TestTabpageGroup
+  tabonly!
+  bw!
+" vim: et ts=2 sw=2

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