Hi Taylor,

On 30/09/16 14:51, Taylor Venable wrote:
> These all cause the slowness:
> * repeatedly using j / k when the cursor is at the bottom / top of the window
> * repeatedly using page down / page up
> * repeatedly using mouse wheel down / mouse wheel up
> * clicking and dragging the scroll bar down / up
> To me, these are all ways of scrolling the contents of the buffer
> within the window. So I called it "Very slow scrolling with gtk3." The
> taller the window, the slower it gets.

just as explanation why the effects you see are not noticed by all
persons: Scrolling (in the meaning above) needs in gtk3vim a lot of CPU
power (CPU load is high during scrolling); much much higher than the CPU
load during scrolling in gtk2vim.

You said you had an older Laptop; obviously the CPU has not enough
"power" to calculate all the scrolling-actions of gtk3vim in time and
hence you notice the lag. Others don't notice (because their CPU can

For me this effect was there since the start of gtk3vim [I'm the one who
wrote Issue 681]. And since then I hope for improvements ... [because I
really hope that scrolling in GTK3 can be done with nearly the same
amount of CPU-work than in GTK2.]

Christian L.

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